Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tax Time For International Student

Tax Time For International Student.

Its that time of year again, when international students across the whole of the USA need to start thinking about completing and submitting their tax returns to the US government. It is a requirement that all students in the USA on a student visa submit and complete a tax return for the last year - even if you were not working or did not receive any income during the last 12 months.

All international students are required to complete the form 8843, and depending on whether you received any income during the last 12 months or if you have any taxes withheld by your employer (if you were working), you may have to complete additional forms.

The Tax Return center provides you with the guidance to find out what forms you need to complete, and then the online system will step you through the process to get those forms completed. Once done, you will be able to print off all your forms and send them in for processing - and with prices starting at just $9.99 per filing it will not break the bank to get your tax return done.

To learn more about this, please visit the International Student Tax Return Center today.


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